The role of tolerance in building civilization



The role of tolerance in building civilization

   The biggest problem in the world today are the lack of tolerance and a law that guarantees the right of individuals and groups honestly, or freedom that elevates the value of human beings, regardless of their colour, gender or creed. Tolerance and freedom are two basic pillars of life that are indispensable to any society, whatever the nature of the law on which the state is based, and which regulates the behavior of its members.

      It can be said that spreading the spirit of tolerance and brotherhood among states leads to peaceful coexistence and contributes to the development of inter-relations between states and groups, and supports international brotherhood ties, because mutual abuse will represent an obstacle to the desired coexistence, and therefore these abuses will lose life value, so it is necessary to focus on The value of tolerance to ensure a true peaceful coexistence, otherwise hostilities will spread continuously.

     Any country that does not enjoy a significant amount of tolerance is considered a country that needs to review the pillars of its civilization on which it is based, The lack of tolerance in the culture of peoples means the absence of a pillar known as love, which is considered a necessity of peaceful coexistence, as a people cannot live happily without you being there. Mutual love between its members.

      At the present time, we need to know well that tolerance is the lifeblood, and therefore every effort should be made to spread tolerance among peoples so that satisfactory results can be achieved that contribute to achieving justice and freedom, and ending manifestations of injustice and tyranny among the peoples of the world.





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