Pharaonic Tombs



    The ancient Egyptian believed that the body of the deceased recovers his soul, to start a new journey in the other world. Therefore, the Egyptians sought to take all necessary measures and the court to ensure the protection of cemeteries from theft, while intimidating thieves with warning phrases and deterrent religious texts in order to preserve the funeral furniture of the cemetery from looting.

     Despite the keenness of the Egyptians to provide all security means, the tombs of the kings were not spared from theft crimes, with the exception of the tomb of King Tutankhamun, which was not reached by the hands of the thieves of ancient Egypt, to clearly reveal the splendor of what the tombs of kings and queens were, and the amount of artistic and creative richness Which witnessed the eras of the empire of the modern state, according to the historical division of the eras of ancient Egypt.

     The spread of tomb theft in ancient Egypt is due to government corruption, as well as the decline of religious faith at the level of the popular class, after the simple people observed the corruption of the priests and their struggle to loot the wealth of the temples, and it even came to the extent that some priests participated in the thefts of tombs.

     The economic crises that afflicted the Egyptian people after the collapse of the authority of the old state had a profound impact on social conditions. The second half of the twentieth dynasty’s rule witnessed a decline in the value of Egyptian copper, and the state treasury became unable to meet the dues of some workers, so thefts spread.


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