The pyramid of King Djoser

The pyramid of King Djoser


     The pyramid of King Djoser )The Pyramid of Saqqara( is the oldest known stone structure and the first royal tomb in history built in Saqqara, south of Giza, a mile from the Saqqara cliff, It is the first known memorial building made of stone in the world, and as indicated by its name, it consists of six levels of stones that gradually decrease in size upwards.

    Before the construction of the Saqqara pyramid, Egyptian kings and elites were buried in mastabas. The term “mastaba” refers to a type of funerary structure that was generally rectangular in shape and built over a burial pit, which was underground.


      The pyramid of King Djoser)The Pyramid of Saqqara( is considered one of the most famous monuments in Egypt, because it constitutes an important historical turning point in the ancient Egyptian funeral rites.

    The height of the pyramid is 62 m, and it is covered from the outside with limestone, which is distinguished by its authentic white color, Most of the limestone crust has disappeared due to the weather factors that the pyramid has been exposed to throughout the ages



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