Queen Hatshepsut


Queen Hatshepsut

     Queen Hatshepsut, the daughter of King Thutmose I, is one of the most exciting queens of Egypt throughout history, She succeeded in ruling Egypt strongly for more than 20 years, during which she made many achievements, most notably the famous Hatshepsut temple in Deir el-Bahari.

     Queen Hatshepsut, who received the title of Pharaoh, built a wonderful temple in Deir el-Bahari, on the west bank in Luxor, facing the Karnak Temple, the main sanctuary of Amun on the eastern bank, By the chief cupbearers of Amon.

     Her era was characterized by the stability of security and peace at home and abroad Under a strong army, and her reign was marked by construction and the advancement of arts and trade, she represented the role of the pharaohs among men, so she used the titles of kings, and abandoned the titles of queens, and wore their uniforms in official parties (present-day Somalia).

     The name of Hatshepsut is immortalized among the greatest rulers of the world, but it disappeared from the throne in mysterious circumstances that archaeologists have not yet been able to accurately know, but most of its monuments were found crushed, as if it was destroyed by an actor so that many specialists believe that it was destroyed by order of King Thutmose III in retaliation for Hatshepsut, who usurped his throne for nearly 22 years.


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